

Finding a place to put my thoughts was difficult.

As a digital native, I’m not blind to the many ways people can post their opinions so technically, I should have been spoiled for choice.

A lot of my friends opt for telegram channels or instagram spam accounts to dump their passing thoughts or short reflections to a select group of close friends. But while my friends found that a great way for them to update others about their own lives, the idea didn’t appeal to me at all. I didn’t really like the idea of the “casual-ness” associated with mainstream social media intersecting with something as important or heavy as one’s own raw opinion. But to be fair, telegram for me remains a convenient messaging platform and instagram is where I go to find stupid memes so maybe my usage of them warrants the association.

My unease also lay with the audience. Who was I to add? How would they respond? Not all posts will be sunshine and rainbows and it’s tiring to have to process someone else’s deep thoughts with the added pressure of responding immediately because commenting is convenient and they’re your friend. I can imagine this is especially worse for people with multiple telegram channels/spam accounts to tend to. Also the vulnerability of baring my mind and soul to friends with the risk of being misunderstood scared me to death—some things are simply better being shared in bits and in person.

Other blogging platforms also proved to be too complicated for me to navigate and the interface set-up was frustrating at best. All I wanted was a no-frills, anonymous, (semi-)formal platform to put my thoughts on.

That’s when I stumbled upon Bear Blog :)

I love everything about this platform. The blog culture here feels so intimate and everyone is really out here doing their own thing (writing poetry, sharing advice, travelling the world, verbal diarrhoea-ing etc.) and I’m so inspired by all your stories and the little bits of yourself you share here. The minimalist yet customisable interface is also so satisfying and everyone gets so creative furnishing their blog pages too.

I really want to build my reflection home here and I hope I can get consistent with it. Cheers to many thoughts to come!